– Conceptual clarification of the mentoring programme;
– Knowledge of Roma history and culture and their approach to mentoring; Inclusion of Roma;
Training Program
Training agenda
Day 1-Day 4
Day 1
Mentor profile
- Get to know the participants;
- Why do we need a mentoring programme? – Educational video presentation and discussion
- Mentor profile presentation – brainstorming and presentation ;
1 Activity: Getting to know each other
Method: First I will introduce myself and Cristina and then we will use the Dixit books to introduce each participant. Each participant will take a Dixit card and, through their internment, say who they are, what they are dealing with, why they are there. He will even be able to say how this book is like his life story. What made him choose this book, and what link there is between the picture and his story.
Means: Dixit cards.
Duration: This activity will last according to the number of participants. The presentation of the trainers will take about 5 minutes. And for the Dixit game, each participant will have 2-3 minutes to introduce himself. Not knowing how many participants there are at the moment, I estimate the duration to be 35 minutes.
2 Activity: Why do we need a mentoring programme?
Method: We will present to the participants the video from the youtube site https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHViCwhVQnc, on education, which lasts 5 minutes, and then we will create a discussion on the extrapoland film with examples of such situations in the participants’ field of intervention of such situations. For the conclusions we will create a slide with the needs of a mentoring/mediation programme.
Means: youtube film, laptop, video projector.
Duration: about 35 minutes
3 Activity: Introducing the Mentor Profile
Method: Brainstorming and presentation. Each participant will write on a poster what are
qualities, skills, competences of a mentor in their acceptance and what they should do. Participants will have 3 minutes to write these things down, after which we will stick them on a board and then discuss what we have written and why. At the end we will present a power point with conclusions about the mentor profile.
Materials: stickers, pens, laptop, video projector.
Duration: For the first phase, the one with the positions, we need 5 minutes, then we will debate 15 minutes on the profile and at the end we will present some slides with conclusions to establish the characteristics of a good mentor. – 35 min in total
Who can be a mentor – areas of interest?
-Mentor as image ;
-Mentoring as a process ;
- The structure of a mentoring programme – presentation + discussion ;
- Examples of good practice from our experience in education – presentation and discussion ;
- Examples from other areas from participants (social care, housing, public administration, religion, labour market integration, etc.)
Activity 4: The mentor as an image
Method: Discussion and presentation. We will start by asking the participants to write on the stickers who their role models were when they were children and if they still have people they admire. We will stick the stickers on a board. Then we will discuss whether these people were famous or not, and why they admired them. In addition, we will introduce public figures from various fields (music, sport, theatre, literature, cinema, entrepreneurs, teachers, human rights activists) who can be mentors/role models for us without knowing them personally and without them consciously suggesting it.
Means: Fasts and power point with characters, portable video projector.
Duration: Participants will have 5 minutes to write down their favourite characters, then we will discuss and debate. A total of 20 minutes.
Activity 5: Mentoring as a process
Method: Discussion and presentation. At the beginning we will present a diagram containing a mentoring programme as a process. Then we will briefly present (a few slides) Ref mentoring programmes with their results and benefits – examples of good practice of mentoring as a process. After this presentation we will divide the participants into teams to give examples of good practice of mediation and mentoring in their fields. Each team will have 15 minutes to consult and present two examples from two different fields. Then each team will present their examples to the other participants for 5-7 minutes. At the end of the activity, we will write together a description of the work of a mentor/mediator with general characteristics. Considering the duration of a mentoring programme, its objectives, etc.
Means: power points with the presentation of the mentoring programmes of ref and the mentoring scheme. Flipchart sheets on which participants present their successful programmes. Flipchart sheets on which a general description of the mentor/mediator’s work is written.
Duration: 85 minutes. This is a longer activity in which we will clarify this mediation/mentoring programme.
Day 2
Let’s experiment together – Activities to put the mentor’s skills into practice – Concrete situations in the field – Forum theatre
Session 1 – Let’s experiment together – 1h 45 (105 min)
Activity 1: Forum Theatre Method: We will carry out a forum theatre activity to put mentoring practices into practice in concrete field situations. The forum theatre activity will be inspired by concrete field situations encountered by the participants.
Means: We will make cards with the characters of a forum theatre play and slides with explanations. Time: This session will be entirely dedicated to this activity because participants need time to prepare the play. If there are more participants, we will even have two plays. Then they will play the song. The song will not be longer than 15 minutes. Then we will do the intervention and proofreading part. At the end we will have a small discussion and conclusions about the theory and practice part of the mentoring activity to make the transition to the next activity.
History of the Roma The origin of the Roma (presentation of the Roma migration route) ;
- Why Roma and not Gypsy
- Roma slavery in the Romanian principalities (presentation of archival documents + debate)
- Roma Holocaust (testimonies of survivors + debate) ;
- The consequences of history on the identity of the Roma and on their relations with others – discrimination, exclusion, marginalisation – examples and debate;
Activity 1: Why it is important for a mentor to know about Roma culture and history. What a mentor needs to know in working towards Roma inclusion
Method: Presentation and discussion. Participants will write in the post why they think we need to know about Roma history and culture when working with them. And what exactly they think they need to know. And then we will discuss it together. For the conclusions, we will present some slides with some points where it is desirable to know the culture and history of those we work with if we want to be their support. And what exactly we will know in the following activities.
Means: Stickers and power point.
Duration: 15 minutes
Activity 2: Why Roma and not Gypsies
Method: Forced choice. The participants will be divided into two groups and each group will have to argue for the word they have to defend. Roma or gypsy. At the end we will draw conclusions together. I will prepare a slide with the meaning of these two words.
Means: Power point with the meaning of the two words and their implications.
Duration: 20 minutes.
Activity 3: The origins of the Roma
Method: Discussion and presentation. We will present a power point with the origin of the Roma and their route.
Means: Power point with presentation.
Duration: 10 minutes. This will be a short presentation activity to give participants an idea of the origin of the Roma.
Activity 4: Roma slavery in Romania
Method: We will present some archival documents concerning the marriages of
slaves and child sales, but also requests for disrobing. The participants will be divided into groups and each group will be given an archive document to decipher and understand. Afterwards, each group will present the content of their document. To conclude, we will present an extract from the legislation of the time, how many kinds of slaves there were and the aspects of slavery, including liberation. Finally, we will conclude with the rights and obligations of the slaves of the time.
Means : Printed documents and power point presentation with the law and details of slavery but also with the rights and obligations of slaves and liberation.
Time: Each group will have 10 minutes to discuss the document and another 5 minutes to present it. And another 15 minutes for final discussion and presentation. – 30 minutes
Activity 5: The Roma Holocaust
Method: Case study and presentation. We will identify a few volunteer participants who will receive case studies with several Roma people deported during the Holocaust. They will read the testimonies in front of the others and then we will discuss some data about the Holocaust at the European level.
Means: Case studies with survivors’ testimonies. Power Point presentation on the Holocaust.
Time: 20 minutes in total.
Activity 6: The impact of history on Roma culture and inter-ethnic relations
Method: The participants will be divided into two groups and each group will have to identify the current consequences of the two events discussed, giving examples from their own experience. Means: Flipchart paper, markers. A PowerPoint slide with the conclusions.
Time: Each group will have 10 minutes to identify the consequences and 5 minutes for the presentation. Total 20 minutes. We are going to talk about it a bit more.
Day 3
Activity 1: Roma traditions: cultural barriers in mentoring?
Roma culture
- Roma traditions and customs (Roma philosophy of life – pure-impure dichotomy) – examples and concrete situations of everyday life;
Contemporary Roma culture
- Roma symbols (anthem, flag, Romani language) – Presentation of common Roma expressions;
- The importance of overcoming language and cultural barriers in mentoring;
- Overcoming language and cultural barriers in mentoring;
- Roma literature and its important themes;
Roma personalities / Roma heroes (personalities from different fields who have succeeded professionally despite the difficulties they have encountered);
Method: Role play and presentation. We will imagine an everyday situation that involves the important cultural dichotomy of pure Rome / impure. We will identify volunteers to whom we will send the roles the day before to get to know them. In the first part of the activity, the volunteers will present the role-play which will last about 10 minutes, and then we will discuss this important dichotomy in traditional Roma communities.
Means: Preparation of role plays. Power Point presentation with traditional Roma elements.
Duration: 30 minutes.
Activity 2: Roma symbols: cultural barriers in mentoring?
Method: Presentation and group work. We will present another important element of the Roma culture of the Roma culture, namely the Romani language. I will tell you a little about its origin, the dialects, the Roma nations. I will do this with the help of participants who know these aspects. But I will also prepare some slides. Then I will present to the participants some common greetings in Romani. As a small practical exercise, the participants will be divided into groups and each group will be given a verse of the Yasser hymn in Romani. During the presentation we translate the stanzas as they are, even if they are not well arranged. Then we put the ppt with the complete text in Romani and English and listen to the hymn in Romani. As a continuation of the exercise, we will also discuss the Roma flag and its meaning.
Meaning: The stanzas of the hymn prepared to be made into a puzzle. Power Point presentation on the Romani language and the usual greeting elements. The Roma anthem in Romani and English. Youtube link with the Roma anthem to listen to. Power point on the meaning of the flag.
Duration: 50 minutes.
Roma personalities / Roma heroes (personalities from different fields who have succeeded professionally despite the difficulties they have encountered);
Activity 3 : Roma personalities :
Method: Individual role play “Roma Heroes Gala”. Each participant should receive a card with the name and some data about the character and materials to dress up. The participants will have 10 minutes to dress up and then each participant will be invited to the front to receive the prize. He/she will make a speech of maximum one minute about his/her achievements as a character and will receive a personalised diploma with details about the character.
Means: Case study with characters and slides with explanations of the game. Cards, diplomas and material for the costumes. I will try to prepare 20 characters. For the costume I need crepe paper, veiled paper, and anything else that is welcome.
Time: Each person will have 10 minutes to decide how to play their character and dress up. Then act out each character for 1 minute each.
Day 4
Training course evaluation exercise
Activity 1: Evaluation session
Method: Participants will be divided into groups or 1 to 1 depending on the number of newcomers. The participants in the training will communicate to those who were not participants 3 new things they discovered during this period. 3 useful things in their work that they have discovered during this period. And three things they will change in their work from now on based on what they have learned. The new participants will then present the things they have learned by playing the role of their colleague. At the end we will have a discussion in which we will draw some conclusions about what we will do differently in the future, if we do it. Everyone will write on the postures their feelings and ideas, thoughts they will go home with.
Means: Stickers
Time: Each group will have 10 minutes to share the news. Then, each new participant will have 5 minutes to present what they have discovered.
History of the Holocaust
At the end of September 1942, a train carriage loaded me in a train carriage. After we travelled for a few hours, the train stopped. Someone opened the door with a bang and a moment later I heard loud cries: Raus! Raus! Raus! I was one of the first to jump out of the train and the SS officer immediately hit me in the belly with my head deserted. After a moment I realized that besides the German soldiers armed with rifles, there were also many people strangely dressed in striped clothes that held wooden sticks in their hands. After a moment of general confusion these people (we found out later that they were Kapos prisoners) lined us up in rows of 5 and we went so escorted by the SS officers. After about 5 minutes he was standing in front of the gate with the inscription “Arbeit macht frei” and then I saw the barbed wire fence….
I had to give my name, date and place of birth, occupation, parents’ name and mother’s maiden name. The man who wrote down all this gave me a card with the number 66485 and my brother received the next number, 66486. Then the same man told us that we are prisoners in the Aushcwitz Concentration Camp I remember being
beaten most often because I couldn’t learn my number as a prisoner in German fast enough.
Excerpt from the testimony of Edward Paczkowski, former Polish Roma prisoner number 66485, deported to Auschwitz before the construction of the Gypsy Camp
After traveling 4 or maybe even 5 days we arrived in Auschwitz. The door of our wagon was suddenly open. Ahead of us on the ramp stood the SS officers with their weapons ready to fire. Yet they lowered them when they saw children in front of them. After they registered our name and tattooed the number of camps on our arm we went to the Gypsy Camp in Birkenau. All the children brought from Mulfingen remained together in block 16 for the next 14 days. Then they broke up with us. Children over the age of 14 remained there and the youngest were taken to the children’s block, called the orphans’ block. We, the biggest ones, were put to build roads. As often as I could I would visit my other brothers… One day, in the summer of 1944, the guard shot two Roma boys from the orphans’ block in the vicinity of the barbed wire fence. All they wanted to do was to take back the water they had collected from the trenches near the fence. One of the boys died on the spot, and the other was seriously injured. It was carried all over the camp as a means of intimidation. None of the boys were more than 11 or 12 years old.
Excerpted from the testimony of Amelie Schaich who was deported to Auschwitz as a child in May 1943. Amelia was born into a Roma family but in 1938, at the age of 9, she was separated from her parents and placed in an orphanage with her brothers. Her parents were taken prisoner in a concentration camp. Amelie was one of the children studied by Dr. Robert Ritter and Eva Justin at the Institute of Racial Hygiene.
On March 12, 1943 at about 4 am, the Gestapo took us out of our house: my parents, my sister Anni, my brother Willi Karl We were on the road two days a day two nights,
and finally, we arrived by train in Birkenau The doors suddenly opened and we had to
go down. The whole family, we were taken to block 28…. SS physicist Doctor Josef Mengele found me in the camp hospital and I had to work for him as a messenger. I
was there when Mengele searched for two twins for his experiments. I had to take them to him and then he gave them some special numbers. I wasn’t allowed to be present when he was doing experiments; he was always sending me somewhere else. Yet one time I happened to be present in the room when Mengele was doing experiments. I saw how he put drops of some kind of liquid in the eyes of the children, after which they began to have very dilated pupils. A few days later I saw the bodies of those children at the morgue.
Excerpt from the testimony of Helmut Clemens, a former Roma prisoner at Auschwitz.
….. I remember this very precisely: I was in a suit; I was wearing white shoes, hat and a tie. We had to get into a kind of room where they took everything off us. I protested, I was immediately beaten for the first time. We had to undress and then they cut our hair I was in the BIIe camp, the so-called Gypsy Camp”. There were about 500 people
in the shack. There were no beds, just boxes where I lay wrapped like herrings…..
Suddenly we had to refer to Kapo for work in Buchenwald. It was supposed that there was more food there. My mother cried that we broke up and told me to take care of myself. I’ve never seen it before. It was gassed on the night of August 2, the night of the liquidation of the camp.
Extract from the testimony of Franz Rosenbach, born in a sedentary Roma family in Austria, deported to Auschwitz in the spring of 1943
Mr. Minister,
The undersigned soldier Constantin R. Gheorghe from the Training Center No. 5 Chitila Ctg. 1940, residing in Alexandria, Teleorman County, with tears in his eyes come to ask you the following. Being mobilized when the country took measures for the colonization of Roma in Transnistria, as well as my family belonging to the Roma class, they were picked up and sent to Transnistria. Returning on a leave home I found the family evacuated and the house deserted, having nothing to sleep on. The mother, the widow from 1916, the wife and two children, as well as four brothers and a sister were sent to Transnistria. They were forcibly raised.
With deep respect I come to ask you to be willing to order to be brought back to the village where they own properties, as I can no longer remain alone without them, I ask for a permit, so that I can go to them personally.
In the hope that you will approve my just request, please assure my deep respect.
Constantin Gheorghe Roma soldier from Romania whose family was deported to Transnistria
Lavinia Ciuta
Luiza Medeleanu
Alexandru Zamfir