– to clarify the concept of the menyoring/mediation prohramme ;
– to demonstrate the importance of knowing the Roma history and culture in the mentoring activitiy ;
Mentoring Methodology
contact person
Luiza Medeleanu is a PhD student in the field of Cultural Studies at the Multidisciplinary Doctoral School “Space, Image, Text, Territory”, Center of Excellence in Image Study (CESI), Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, with her doctoral thesis “Image of Roma in cinematography and cultural media productions. Ethics of fictionality and cultural identity”, coordinated by Professor Caius Dobrescu. She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, the Romani-English department, a Master in Philosophy from the University of Bucharest and one in Anthropology from SNSPA. For over 10 years she has been working in the Roma non-governmental field, coordinating educational activities with Roma theme and intercultural character. At the same time, she develops intercultural training methodologies for teachers, for children and parents.
Alexandru Zamfir works as an Educational Expert within the Roma Education Fund. He has worked and coordinated numerous activities in the projects implemented by the foundation, involving mentoring activities with students and teachers from partner schools, as well as mediating and developing relationships between public authorities, school, family, and community. In addition to this activity, Alexandru monitored the implementation of a set of Methodologies developed by REF Romania on Roma inclusion in the education system, he coordinated the development of a Guide to good practice in education and wrote the Sustainability report for the project “Formal and non-formal education for sustainable development in the Center region ” which aims at involving various public institutions in the continuation of project activities after its completion. He is currently coordinating the work of an expert working group to write a Methodology aimed at including specific elements of Roma culture in the Romanian National Curriculum.
Alexandru Zamfir is also a professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, where he teaches the Romani language and other courses on Roma culture, history and literature.